Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Presbyterian Elders in Prayer Calendar for March-April 2009 (3-4)

March 29: Hebrews 5:5-10 "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered and once, made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him..." Jesus, we don't like to suffer. We would rather learn what we need to learn another way. Show us places where we are suffering because of our disobedience, then quickly lead us to repentance. You are the source of our eternal salvation...we believe You are also the source of our immediate help and strength.


April 5: Mark 11:1-11 "If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' Tell him, 'The Lord needs it...'" Jesus, we know that most of our thoughts and our words are about OUR needs at any given time. We bow before You and place our thoughts and words before You. Give us the mind of Christ. Give us a passion to read, pray, and speak YOUR words. And tender our hearts, and the hearts of Your people everywhere, to offer what YOU need, to do YOUR work. In particular, please show us what YOU need from the PCUSA and its member churches.


April 12: "I have seen the Lord!" Jesus, we know Your tomb was empty on Easter morning. We know that Mary Magdalene and many others saw You in Your resurrected glory. Jesus, we long to see You. We long to see You in our work, our family life, our congregational life, and in the work of the PCUSA. We pray for miracles this week. We pray for the miracle of a denomination filled with people who have seen You, who love You, and who will serve You forever.


April 19: Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you." Resurrected Savior, You know we need Your peace. Please send to us the peace that passes understanding. We need it. Our nation and world need it. Our denomination needs it. And bless those who are "sent", especially those who are serving in missions around the world. We pray a holy anointing on those You have called to direct the missions of the PCUSA, including Tom Taylor, Teresa Grant, Eric Hoey, David Chai, Hunter Farrell, and Doug Welch.


April 26: Luke 24:36-48 "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in our minds?" We know that You are alive, Lord Jesus, but we do become troubled and have doubts. Forgive us. Pick us up and put us back on the right track with You. We want to discern and follow Your best plan for our lives, for our churches. Clothe us with power from on high, so that we can do what we are called to do in this time and place. Thy kingdom come, thy will be us.


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Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Youth Ministries Task Force




Home > Office of the General Assembly > Youth Ministries Task Force


April 3, 2009


Youth Ministries Task Force membership is announced

Task force is the last of six groups named by GA Moderator


Members of the sixth and final special committee to be named by the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, moderator of the 218th General Assembly (2008) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), have been announced.


The action of last year's assembly directed the moderator "to appoint a task force to seek input from youth, young adults, and adults … find and present model programs; and focus on the needs and development of youth ministries, and report back to the 219th General Assembly (2010) specific recommendations for designing and conducting various youth ministries under a 'new vision' for youth."


One of the committees at last year's assembly focused on youth ministry, with the task to discern God's vision for youth and the PC(USA). In its rationale for proposing the task force, which was approved by the assembly, the committee wrote, "It is undeniable that investing valuable General Assembly time and energy to consider youth, a crucial generation in our faith communities, was an essential exercise and is one that merits more time, attention, and resources that could be offered in the short time available at the General Assembly."


The rationale continued, "Though the committee sought to discern God's vision for youth and the PC(USA), this is a task that will require more time and more intensive youth involvement for its adequate completion. The Assembly Committee on Youth has begun an important dialogue that should be continued in a task force with a two-to-one youth-to-adult ratio. We became convinced that youth are best equipped to articulate the needs and possibilities for effective youth ministry and for a more comprehensive inclusion of youth in the life and mission of the church, but also that intergenerational collaboration contributes to fruitful discernment."


Named to the task force are the following youth, ages 15-21: Jordan Akin (Arkansas Presbytery), Hakeem Jerome Jefferson (New Harmony Presbytery), Austin Lane (Grace Presbytery), Kristy Lauron (Stockton Presbytery), Jessie Light (Heartland Presbytery), Alex McDonald (Greater Atlanta Presbytery), Madison Munoz (St. Augustine Presbytery), elder Clara Pauw (Mid-Kentucky Presbytery), Brittney Shook (Western Reserve Presbytery), and elder Rachel Van Marter (Mid-Kentucky Presbytery).


Adult mentors are G. Jacob Bolton (New York City Presbytery), elder Karen Ceaser (Pacific Presbytery), and the Reverends Rex Espiritu (Whitewater Valley Presbytery), Michelle Thomas-Bush (St. Augustine Presbytery), and Kelly Wiant-Thralls (Carlisle Presbytery).


Wiant-Thralls will serve as chairperson of the group.


Staffing the task force will be Adrian McMullen and Gina Yeager-Buckley, both of whom are General Assembly Council staff associates for youth ministry in the Office of Theology Worship and Education.


The 219th General Assembly will meet in Minneapolis, July 3-10, 2010.


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