Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Into Love With Jesus

Fall Into Love With Jesus
Thursday, October 18, 2012

One of the prevailing habits characteristic of my prayer life is what I sometimes refer to as "drive-by prayers". Having lived in semi-suburban neighborhoods not too far from inner-city urban U.S. metropolitan areas during my childhood, I grew up hearing reports of "drive-by shootings" in places such as greater L.A. and other densely populated sections of our nation. Rather than dwelling on the negative images associated with those incidents of violence, promoting a positive [re]appropriation of the term(s) became for me a way of participating in the spiritual transformation and ministry of reconciliation that I am called to as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Just recently, I again found myself praying (with my eyes wide open, of course) while driving on the highway as I passed by a number of different residences, businesses and churches along the way into town. As I lifted them up to the Lord, asking for God's blessings upon one place of work, home and/or congregation after another, I came across a sign that caught my eye as the Spirit stirred my heart and soul. It read, "Fall into Love with Jesus".

With the leaves on the trees turning in this season of transition toward winter, the lush foliage of autumn colors spreading across the luscious landscape of the midwest is filled with opportunity for experiencing the wonder and awe of God's creation. It is a time in which we can indeed once more for the first time fall into love with Jesus all over and over again and again. Visions of children brushing upon mounds of fallen frond-like laden unfallowed ground come to mind, covering the once greener grass of the past spring into summer last.

We are blessed beloved to be able to behold and appreciate the grandeur of our Lord in the splendor of God's majesty attested to by the entire universe and in nature all around us. The very heavens and earth surrounding us elicit a response of gratitude and praise to Almighty God Who is worthy above all to receive blessing, glory, honor and power. As David proclaimed in the Psalms (19:1a), "The heavens declare the glory of God!"

As we approach the celebration of Thanksgiving dinners and other holiday festivities in this season of harvest time, we remember the blessed inheritance bestowed upon us in Christ through generations of saints before us. Members of the body of believers throughout all time and space remain in our collective memories as we may observe All Hallows' Evening on the eve of All Saints' Day. And we commemorate our continued traditions by re-appropriating them in service and sharing the blessings of our communal bounty in the spirit of God's love for others among us in time of need.

In this regard, we give thanks and praise to God once again for the mission and ministry of members effected through the efforts expended in holding our recent semiannual community rummage sale. Would you join me along with others also called by grace through faith in "shouting out" "drive-by prayers" of blessings of God's love showered upon nearby neighbors for the common good of all in our community? Will you prayerfully consider serving in a soup kitchen or helping stock up a food pantry in the coming weeks? Might each of us greet and pay a friendly visit with our neighbor's household or invite another family into our home for some refreshment and conversation? Could we in the process discover ourselves falling into love with Jesus in one another's lives all over again?

May it be so in this season of faith in Christ's love for the world, without end, Amen.

Pastor Rex

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