Thursday, January 17, 2013

Don't be…. God will….

Eight years ago this week in January, my family and I were moving in to our new home in New Castle, Indiana. It was in the midst of downright frigid, subfreezing (if not subhuman) weather that I remember the movers from New Jersey unloaded the truck while whipping winds walloped anyone exposed to the external elements of that wintry day. And, if being subjected to that kind of "welcoming" environment wasn't enough, it was at the same time necessary to keep the front door open with the crosswind gusts rushing in, especially during the challenge of maneuvering our Steinway grand piano from the cold outside into the not-so-warm house inside.


We were trying hard as we could to help effect our move into the new place expeditiously, but it was all too easy to become overwhelmed by the seeming immensity of the task remaining before us. I marveled then at the tenacity of the workers doing the work of helping relocate a large family of eight in the bleak midwinter of the Midwest.


From the time of the kings of old in ancient Israel, there comes to mind a verse which the Spirit brings for my continued reflection in the Word this month.


"Don't be frightened by the size of the task. Be strong and courageous and get to work for the Lord my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20 (TLB/NRS)


These were words from King David speaking to his son Solomon who would be the king presiding over the building of the temple in Israel. The plans for the task at hand were vastly enormous! So many grand and intricate details and logistics to comprehend and oversee were to be passed on from one generation to another that the next mighty moments in Israel's worship of the Lord their God would be manifested, embodied in the building of a temple for the majesty and glory of God to be known and witnessed all the more into the future.


This is not unlike what some may be facing in our own day and time of these latter days. Even as the wisdom given from on high to King Solomon came to bear upon the way of building the temple for the Lord God almighty in the ancient days of Israel, the writer in Ephesians (5:16) exhorts anew the reader and hearer of the New Testament to wisely make "the most of the time, because the days are evil."


Beloved, this is indeed no time to minimize our pledge to the gracious and almighty Lord our God, of whom it is said by James (1:5) that to those needing wisdom who ask God, "gives generously to all without finding fault."


The Lord Jehovah Jireh our God is always and for ever our provider. The Lord will provide for everything we need in order to accomplish the task given us in these days. He's at our side until every last detail is completed. Will we act faithfully in a way "worthy of the calling [we] have received" (Ephesians 4:1) by renewing our pledge to Christ and his church? As the Word is proclaimed in Revelation (4:11, 5:12), he is worthy to receive all glory, honor, blessing, and power.


In a loud voice they sang:"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"


Courageously yours in Christ,

Pastor Rex

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